Secondary Schools
Lunch clubs are really fun and take on various forms depending on the school and year group. Some of our clubs are about forming friendships for new students, whilst others focus on discussion around big questions. We usually have snacks and play games too.
We run 6 week small group mentoring projects based on an SU resource called ‘Rooted’. We work with young people who are struggling with issues around identity and self-confidence. The sessions help them think about who they are, where they come from and where they are going.
Our Explore clubs are an exciting opportunity for those young people we work with who are ready to start exploring Christianity. We open the bible together, look at who Jesus is and what following Him looks like.

Our secondary age assemblies are engaging, inspiring and usually interactive. We run these across all types of secondary schools, and either follow school themes or provide our own. We also produce video assemblies which you can view here
Our CU’s help support and encourage students of faith within schools, these can take the form of discussion groups, outreach planning or simply provide a safe space for students to meet and share stories.
We have a number of set lesson titles and can work within a particular syllabus to deliver engaging lessons when asked, all with the aim of bringing faith to life and helping young people to explore the Christian faith. We also provide online resources which you can view here
The CU in Exeter College has been established for over 20 years. ICE workers support a student leadership team, helping them to encourage their peers and run a vibrant group open to all students.
We have some set tutor time activities for Christmas and Easter which help pupils think about the world around them, and the impact they can have in it.