Our resource recommendation this week is for: The Guardians of Ancora app

You can find it in the Google Play store and the Apple app store.

What is it?
Guardians of Ancora has been created by Scripture Union. It is a high quality, free app that gives children the chance to explore the Bible through exciting games and interesting challenges.

Who is it for?
This app is aimed at 8 – 11 year olds but slightly younger children would enjoy it if accompanied by an adult to support them in reading.

What can I find there?

The premise of this game is that you are a ‘Guardian’ on a quest to find lost stories and bring them back to the city of Ancora. In each level you are transported to a different place in the Biblical narrative and can explore, picking up items and completing mini tasks as you go  (such as feeding animals or working out puzzles). You complete the level when you witness a story about Jesus and bring it back to Ancora to share with everyone else.

There are many things that you can do on this app! In addition to the main gameplay (which works much like a traditional platformer game) you can customise your character, complete quizzes and watch Bible stories in their ‘Theatre of the Saga’. It’s very interactive and appeals to the child who enjoys getting immersed in a game – with the great benefit of encouraging children to engage with the Bible and explore it for themselves.

You can also set up a parent account, which offers a way to get alongside your child as they play. This account lets you know the things your child has been learning about and gives you suggestions on how to further build upon those discoveries outside of the digital space. It’s a helpful way to enjoy Bible learning together and to grow closer through having fun.

I hope you have fun exploring Guardians of Ancora as a family – there’s lots to enjoy and many different adventures to go on!


Photo by Patricia Prudente on Unsplash