I have learned the importance of making small, consistent, positive decisions. What do I mean by that? Well, consistently going to bed at the same time each evening (10pm!) means the decision to get out of bed when my alarm goes off in the morning is easier. Doing this each day means I sleep better and can handle the odd nights of not-great-sleep I get, it also means my body is used to the routine so I find myself waking just before my alarm goes off.

We all know exercise is important for us and most of us have had our exercise routines wrecked by lockdown! Whether it is because we play in a sports team or go to the gym, we can’t do that at the moment. What do the consistent, small positive decisions look like with exercise? For me, I’ve worked out that I just won’t bother unless I get up and get out straight away. So, for me it’s first thing, get up and get running, whether that’s a short warm-up jog before getting back and doing some body weight exercises or going for a longer run. When I do it first thing, every day means the decision is easier.
Food! Eating well makes me feel better! The little decision not to have a chocolate bar, adds up to losing weight and feeling better about myself. It is only a little decision to choose the healthy option, but by doing that each day I contribute to my well being as well as my heath.
I’ve also picked up a new habit which I aim to take into life-after-lockdown… reading! With the good weather I’ve begun to make the small decision to read in the garden for an hour a day. Just 1 hour out of 24. Done consistently this has meant I’ve almost cleared the pile of books I had sat on a shelf marked “books I’m super keen to read when I get round to it”! This has brought a slightly surprising richness to my life. Reading Christian books has meant I’ve thought about God more, chatted with him more and been challenged in my thinking, which is always a great thing when you want to grow and develop.

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life – and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.”
Romans 12:1 (Message version)
There are lots of possibilities of small, positive decisions which if done consistently will add up to a big change. What will you choose to do today, and every day? What about: read a chapter of the Bible, meet up with a friend, message a friend for prayer requests or spend an hour a day learning a new skill.
Images courtesy of Pexels.com