Worksheet Download – Reflection worksheet | Be still

Being still is an important part of life. It might not seem like it because, well, you’re being still! But when we take time to stop moving our bodies and filling our brains with new things, we can see more clearly how we really are. It’s a chance to take notice and look at our thoughts, a chance to realise what’s really important to us and a chance to find out what’s really upsetting us or bringing us joy.

The Bible talks about being still too. In a song all about running to God in times of trouble it says this ‘Be still, and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10). Christians believe that God invites us to be still and rest in Him. With our lives being so busy, it can be hard to see all the things God is doing or to spend time with Him. Stillness can help us to remember who He is and to remember that He has everything under control. When things seem too big for us, too scary or too much we can rest in Him and He can give us peace.   

So today, why not take a moment to think about being still. And why not practice it too! Find a place where you can be quiet and spend some time in stillness.  You might want to see what you can notice in that time, what your 5 senses pick up or how you’re feeling inside. You might want to spend some time noticing all the ways that God has worked in your life, and perhaps you might like to pray and share that with Him.

There are some thinking questions on today’s colouring sheet – after you have spent some time in stillness, why not colour in the sheet and have a think about those questions.