This downloadable worksheet is made to accompany our Parable short video series, you can find the videos here.

You can download the worksheet here.

There’s a famous song that goes:

This little light of mine

I’m gonna let it shine

Today’s parable video and worksheet remind us of this song. A light shines brightly in the darkness – you can’t miss it, it lights up everything around it. It’s even more effective if you put it up somewhere high! But if you cover up the light, it can’t brighten anything up anymore and the darkness will remain.

Jesus isn’t telling us to cover ourselves in fairy lights in this story, but he does challenge us to shine. To stand out by our actions, in our words and in the ways that we live our lives. For Christians, this story is a challenge to not hide the faith that we have in Jesus, but to let it be seen in the ways that we act, speak and love those around us. When we do so, its like that light – we can shine God’s love into the dark places in our world and be a beacon that others can look to for encouragement and hope.

How can you shine this week?

What actions and words could you share that might bring light into the lives of those around you?

Colour in the sheet and take some time to come up with some ideas while you do so.

And then, why not take a moment to ask God to help you to shine.

Christians believe that God’s love is a bright light that shines in our hearts when we
ask Him to help us to love others.