This worksheet accompanies our Advent Wreath series, you can download it here.

You can find our Primary School Assemblies playlist here.

The second candle in the Advent Wreath is called the ‘Bethlehem Candle’ and when we light it, we are reminded of the faith of Mary and Joseph.

The Nativity story is so familiar to us that we often tell it every year without thinking, but for Mary and Joseph it was a life changing event! They didn’t know what we know now; they didn’t know that shepherds would come to worship, that wise men would visit or that they would even have a safe place to stay. They just had a message from an angel and a choice to say ‘yes’ to what God was doing. They chose to have faith and believe that God would help them through, and He did.

Like Mary and Joseph, we don’t have the full picture of our lives yet. I can’t tell you what will happen next year, or even next week. But Christians believe that we do have something that they had, a loving God who promises to guide us through whatever the future brings. He is someone we can put our faith in because He doesn’t let us down. And so when we can’t see the whole picture, we can look to God to guide us because He is faithful and He loves us.