This downloadable worksheet is designed to go with our video assembly series on Jonah. You can find the videos here.
You can download the worksheet here.
We’ve made it to the last chapter of Jonah’s story in the Bible. I’ts been a bit of an adventure, hasn’t it?
Jonah, the runaway prophet, saved from the stormy waves by God sending a big fish of some kind, finally makes his way to nineveh and delivers God’s message.

We might have thought that after a very dramatic series of events, and Jonah’s heartfelt prayer, that we’d be seeing a peacful resolution to the end of Jonah’s mission. We saw last week how eager the people of Nineveh were to return to God and to receive forgiveness. We might expect Jonah to be pleased at a job well done…better late than never!
Instead, we find Jonah being every bit as dramatic and judgemental as he’s been throughout his story. Instead of celebrating God’s mercy, Jonah takes affront at God’s boundless mercy. Leading to God having to teach him yet another lesson.

Jonah needed to learn that God was well within his rights to show mercy on the people of nineveh. As loving creator, it’s His joy to forgive whomever He will. Jonah’s anger reveals his own judgmental attitudes. We don’t know if he took on this lesson, the book of Jonah ends rather abruptly with God’s rhetorical question, ‘Should I not care about these people and animlas I’ve lovingly created?’ It seems Jonah has no answer he can give God.
The challenge for us today is to see those same attitudes within ourselves. Are there times when we think other people don’t deserve the same goodness God has given us? Are we only angry about injustice when it affects our own personal sphere of life?
The Bible makes it clear that God’s mercy and freindship is available to all, regardless of social status, income, skin colour or global location.
As you look at the worksheet, you’ll notice four differetn sections around a leafy plant. Use the spaces on the leaves to write or draw your thoughts as prompted by those sections.
In what ways are you the same as others?
What owrds might God use to describe us?
What emotions might God feel about us?
How would God want us to treat one another?