You can download this week’s worksheet here: Joy worksheet

It accompanies the third video in our Advent Wreath series, which can be found here.

When the Shepherds heard the Angel’s message that first Christmas, they reacted with great excitement. They didn’t stay on their hill and just go to bed saying ‘that was nice’, they got up immediately and went to see what the message was all about.

And that message was one that brought them great joy. It was a message of love from God – the gift of His son sent down to Earth to be a saviour for us all. They got to be the first people to meet Jesus when he was born – God chose ordinary shepherds to be the first to welcome the king of all the world on his birthday.

But the message the Shepherds received wasn’t just for them it was for all of us – from the oldest to the youngest, the richest or poorest – to anyone who has a heart to receive it. That is why Christmas is all about joy! We remember God’s gift to the world and celebrate that He has given it to all of us.