It accompanies our assembly on Jonah chapter 3, which you can watch here.
Cityscape Craft
For this week’s activity, we’re going to make a city to remind us of Nineveh,
the city that Jonah (finally!) visited to share God’s message.
You will need:
The worksheet printout, some colouring pencils and some scissors.
Firstly, colour in the print out.
Make it as bright and colourful as you would like!

Then, cut along the dotted line that runs along the city skyline.
Note: Be careful not to cut out the other lines that are marked ‘fold’!

Finally, fold the picture, following the lines.
First folding forwards, and then backwards until the page is in a zigzag shape.

Stand it up and voila!
You have your own cityscape.

Once you’ve made your city, you might want to take a moment to pray for the people who live in your community. There were thousands and thousands of people living in the city of Nineveh and God knew each of them all and cared for them – so much so He sent Jonah to help them make a positive change.
We can show our care for our community too by praying for them, asking God to help us see ways that we can love and look after the people around us.