I wonder if you’ve ever thought about who Jesus would spend his time with if he were walking the earth today?
Would he be mingling with the politicians, discussing laws and morals?
Would he be having tea with kings and queens?
Would he be consulting with busy CEO’s in their sky scrapers?
Would he be strolling the gardens of the Vatican, talking with the Pope?
Maybe. Maybe not….
The religious leaders of the time were shocked and amazed to see who Jesus spent his time with.
Tax collectors.
Ordinary women.
The sick and diseased.
Jesus spent his time with the sinners and outcasts.
So Jesus tells a story about a shepherd who looks after 100 sheep, but cares enough about one lost sheep to leave the 99 and go seek out the one that was lost.

This is great news for all of us who have ever felt lost and alone. The good shepherd cares for the ones who are lost.
So, who would Jesus spend time with today?
People who feel lost and confused.
People who have made bad choices.
People who have had bad things happen to them.
Ordinary people.
The shepherd in the story celebrates over the found sheep, Jesus wants us to see that’s how God feels about us.
Use this colouring page to reflect on these questions.
So, when do you feel lost?
What, or who, makes you feel safe and sound?