You can download the worksheet here
Jesus uses the parable of the sower (found in Matthew 13) to give us a picture of why some people seem to to grow and flourish in faith, and others do not.
This is also one of the few parables that Jesus offers a clear explanation for. The imagery is that we are all a kind of soil, and God’s word falls on us like seeds scattered by the sower. How the seed grows depends on the condition of the soil.

But what about the good soil? That soil returns to the sowers a great harvest!
What kind of soil would you rather be?
If we want to be good soil, we must ask the farmer to work us over so that the seed he plants in us will grow well.
What kind of things do you think God wants to grow in us? Use the downloadable worksheet to reflect on those things. There are a couple of suggestions already, what more can you think of?
Fill the garden with beautiful plants, use differnet shapes and colours to make it flourish.
As you draw, maybe you could ask God to help you become the kind of soil that is ready to grow.