I’ve been inspired by this blog to try a prayer activity: flamecreativekids.blogspot.com. Why don’t you join me? There are lots of other great activities on her blog too so why not give it a look!
Activity: Creating prayer collages with random objects.
Resources: A picture frame, some material, some music or other thing to listen to, random objects – anything you can find!
I wonder what objects are lying around your house?
I’ve got lots of random things in my house. Things like these…

How about you? What kind of things can you find?
We can be creative with all sorts of things – so let’s be creative with these things too!
To start our prayer activity, place the picture frame on top of your piece of material.
(If you don’t have a picture frame, don’t worry! You can make one out of cardboard or just use the material as your canvas. For the material, just use what you have at home – I used some felt but you could use a pillowcase or blanket.)
This is what it looks like before you begin:

Once you’re set up – put on some music, a Bible story or a podcast and while you listen – use these objects to create a picture.
I listened to the Daily Audio Bible* while I did mine. Here’s are some of the pictures that I made:

You might like to do this in silence without any distractions so you can pray quietly, you might like to put some quiet, reflective music on to help you focus. When you’re done, spend a little bit of time thinking about how God has already been there for you through difficult times. Ask God to help you remember that He is with you now, today.
I wonder what pictures you can come up with? Once you have made a picture – take a step back and look at it. You might want to take a moment to reflect on what you have created. You might want to take a moment to pray and ask God to help you respond to what you have thought or learned today.
The great thing about this activity is that it’s different each time! There are a whole host of pictures that you can create – so have fun and get creating.
The activity I tried today can be found here: flamecreativekids.blogspot.com/2016/02/open-ended-bible-story-response-making.html
All thanks to Mina Munns for her wonderful activity idea. The ideas are all hers so please do check out her blog and get inspired too!
*The Daily Audio Bible is a free app that lets you listen to someone reading part of the Bible every day. They read the entire Bible in a year and have a section for Psalms, kids, proverbs and in different languages too. Check it out: dailyaudiobible.com