We Recommend…
Our resource recommendation this week is for the Animated Bible Stories playlist created by Saddleback kids.

You can find their Youtube playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5aPdmniG3y_n7hXEKTV4qQnIeCe-p6Ws

What is it?
Stories from the Bible told in a quirky, clear and thought provoking way.  

Who is it for? 
Primary aged children and their families  

What can I find there?

This channel is full of Bible stories, all told in Saddleback Kid’s distinctive and enjoyable style.

What I particularly love about these videos is that they tell the stories simply and clearly, as they are told in the Bible, at a level that children can understand. They use humour to help bring the stories to life and always leave you learning something new, so they’re enjoyable for adults to watch alongside their young people too!

Whenever we use these videos in our lessons or lunch clubs, you can always see the children chuckling along with the funny moments and thinking deeply about the various things they are discovering. They’re also great at putting each story in the context of the whole Bible and so these are useful as a tool to help your children see how all of the Biblical accounts interweave with one another.

So, whether you’re looking to introduce your children to some Bible stories for the first time or wanting to delve a little deeper together, these videos are a good springboard to discussion and discovery. I hope you enjoy watching them as much as we have!