We Recommend…
This week we would like to recommend: Sporcle

What is it?
A website dedicated to quizzes and puzzles

Who is it for?
Anyone who likes quizzes will enjoy Sporcle! We recommend this as a family activity or playing with adult supervision.

What can I find there?
On Sporcle you will find hundreds of quizzes on many subjects, covering science, history, film and tv, music, nature, food, language etc.
Quizzes are a fun way to pass the time with friends and family, and you can even learn a few things along the way. There are quizzes there that can help test your knowledge about various subjects you might be learning about through school work, or they might inspire you to go and learn more about something new!

I’ve been enjoying finding quizzes to do with friends and with my mum. A fun aspect of Sporcle is to try and earn badges for your profile, you win badges by completing certain tasks like playing certain types of quizzes. I like to challenge myself with the quizzes where you need to write out all of the lyrics to a song – Disney ones are particularly good fun as you find yourself having to sing through the song to remember all the words!
There’s even quizzes about the books of the Bible and Jesus’ closest friends.

So next time you’re feeling a bit bored, get some family and friends together, and see what you can discover on Sporcle.