We Recommend | Lightkeepers

We Recommend | Lightkeepers

We Recommend… Our resource recommendation this week is for the Lightkeepers book series You can find them at any Christian book store or online here: https://www.thegoodbook.co.uk/children/lightkeepers/      What is it? Easy to read books that tell the life stories of...
Thought for the Week | What’s in my Bag?

Thought for the Week | What’s in my Bag?

Anne-Marie here! I’ve made a post before on this blog about how much I enjoy and miss figure skating. The rinks are still closed and I’m still working on doing what I can off ice to stay in good condition. But today I thought it would be fun to show you what I keep in...
Make Space | Fingerprint Thank you’s

Make Space | Fingerprint Thank you’s

Take a moment to look at the tip of one of your fingers – did you know that the swirls and whorls you can see there are completely unique to you? No one else has ever had the same fingerprint as you and no one ever will! Christians believe that God made us with great...
Downloadable Worksheet | Peace Bringers

Downloadable Worksheet | Peace Bringers

You can find today’s worksheet here: https://icetrust.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/peacebringers.pdf   ‘God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.’ Matthew 5:9 When Jesus taught what we call the sermon on the...