by ICE | Apr 17, 2020 | Primary Schools
Worksheet Download – I am loved – I can love If you flick through the Bible there is a word that turns up 551 times. It is the word love. That’s a lot of love! Today’s reflection worksheet is here to help you think about love and what it might mean to you....
by ICE | Apr 15, 2020 | Primary Schools
We recommend… This week’s recommendation is for the Flame Creative Kids blog. You can find it here: What is it? This blog is full of resources to inspire creative reflection, crafts and prayer at home or at church. It has...
by ICE | Apr 14, 2020 | Primary Schools
I’ve been inspired by this blog to try a prayer activity: Why don’t you join me? There are lots of other great activities on her blog too so why not give it a look! Activity: Creating prayer collages with random objects. Resources: A...
by ICE | Apr 14, 2020 | Primary Schools
I wonder how many things you can count? Take a moment to count how many books you can see right now. What about how many things that are red in your room – can you count all of those? Why not try and count how many breaths you take in a minute. I’m pretty sure...
by ICE | Apr 14, 2020 | Primary Schools
Worksheet Download – 3things Not so long ago, the ICE Primary team did an assembly focusing on part of the life of Corrie Ten Boom. Many readers will know of her incredible and inspirational faith and the dire circumstances she often found herself in. During the...