Make Space | Fingerprint Thank you’s

Make Space | Fingerprint Thank you’s

Take a moment to look at the tip of one of your fingers – did you know that the swirls and whorls you can see there are completely unique to you? No one else has ever had the same fingerprint as you and no one ever will! Christians believe that God made us with great...
Downloadable Worksheet | Peace Bringers

Downloadable Worksheet | Peace Bringers

You can find today’s worksheet here:   ‘God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.’ Matthew 5:9 When Jesus taught what we call the sermon on the...
We Recommend | How to Talk to Children about Race

We Recommend | How to Talk to Children about Race

What is it? A short Youtube video giving some advice on how to talk to children and young people about race. You can find the video here: Who is it for? Adults who find themselves needing a bit of help with an often...
Thought for the Week | Building on solid ground

Thought for the Week | Building on solid ground

Sally from the ICE Primary Team here! This Christmas, I received a very unexpected present – I was given a Nintendo Switch! The generosity of the gift was completely overwhelming and I’ve appreciated it even more since, as it’s helped me to stay connected to the...
Make Space | Music Shuffle Prayers

Make Space | Music Shuffle Prayers

Anne-Marie here, today I want to introduce to you a fun way of praying using a music playlist. What you will need: A music playlist. I personally use Spotify most of the time, though I also like to findplaylists or radio stations on Youtube as well. You can use a CD...
Downloadable Worksheet | God looks at the heart

Downloadable Worksheet | God looks at the heart

Here is the link to today’s downloadable worksheet: God looks at the heart Have you ever looked at a book and decided that you want to read it, just because of the cover? Or perhaps you’ve decided to put it down for the same reason. What about a cake – has a cake ever...